Crush your goals with FighterFITX

At FighterFITX, we understand that working on your goals can be challenging, but it's worth it. It takes dedication and determination to achieve your greatest potential. If you're feeling overwhelmed, we're here to help. Here are some tips for staying on track and achieving your goals.

Make your goals habits The first step to achieving your goals is to set realistic ones. You need to know where you're going in order to get there. Once you have your goal, the key is to consistently follow the steps you create to achieve it. Take running a marathon, for example. You need a training plan that breaks down the process into achievable steps. The same goes for weight loss goals. You need to create habits that will help you achieve your goal, such as tracking your macros or going to the gym five days a week. At FighterFITX, we believe that turning these tasks into habits is the key to success.

Track your progress Tracking your progress is important in any fitness journey. Taking pictures of yourself at the start and consistently during your journey can help you see the difference in your body shape and size, and give you a visual reminder of what you have achieved. This is especially helpful when you don't notice the small changes day to day. At FighterFITX, we have a winning formula for taking the best photos for transformation journeys. Check out our video to learn more.

Detox your life Detoxing your life can be a refreshing way to start anew. It's about replacing negative influences with positive ones. While switching out your foods is a great start, there are other elements in your life that can halt your progress. Take a look at your self-care and cleaning products, and find ways to make better switches. Also, take a look at your inner circle. Who are the people you spend the most time with? Do they bring joy and add value to your life? If not, it may be time to cut ties. At FighterFITX, we believe that journaling about tougher detoxes, like friends, can be helpful in setting yourself up for long-term personal growth.

Find your community If you're short on supportive friendships, don't worry. You're doing something challenging, and if others aren't going to support you in that journey, that's their responsibility. There are plenty of ways to build your circle back up with the right influences. At FighterFITX, we believe that finding your community of people who motivate, encourage, and understand your struggles is essential to achieving your goals.

Ready to start your fitness journey and achieve your goals? Make it easier with FighterFITX. Reach out to us via email at to book a free consultation call and learn how we can help you get on track and stay motivated. Let's work together to transform your body and your life!

Ryan Omeasoo

Hi I'm Ryan Omeasoo founder of FighterFIT ATHLETIX a fitness program which is designed to help you live healthier and more fit as well as have more energy, confidence and enjoy life to the fullest. Fitness success isn't just about losing weight it's also about getting healthy and living better in both your mind and body.

I am an online personal trainer and fitness enthusiast and I help people reach their health and fitness goals in a fun way that keeps them motivated.

We come up with solutions for everyone who wants strength, power, respect or just plain lose fat quickly without dieting because being FAT...DOESN'T make you strong!

I work with people who have tried everything else to lose weight or tone up but just can’t seem to do it. If you are fed up of excuses, ready for change and want results then call me now for a free consultation.

I’ve been a personal trainer for over 13 years and teaching martial arts over 18 years. I help clients lose weight, get fit and keep it off. My online exercise programs are affordable and the results speak for themselves - they work. If you want to get in shape, stay motivated or just need someone to listen to you.



“Relationship between self-compassion, body image, and eating habits in mothers.”